Friday, June 7, 2013


Yesterday Isla and I had a most delightful visit with two of my Aunts and my Oma. They came by ferry to spend the day with us and deliver a most beautiful gift. While pregnant, shortly after I found out I was going to be having a wee girl, I called my Oma up with a request; My Oma does fabulous crochet pieces and I was hoping, if she had the time, she would make my wee girl a Christening gown to wear to her dedication. So my Oma found the perfect shade of yellow, and started working on my little girls gown. It was a gift that needed to be given in person, and so it was.

Isla happily modeled the beautiful gown outside as we all cooed over her. This beautiful gown although new I already think of as an Heirloom. What a perfect and precious gift for Isla made for her by her Great Oma. This is a dress that will be held in such high value because of the though and love put into it, it will be something that will be cherished and passed down to further generations. What love was stitched into this precious piece.

I am now so looking forward to finally throwing her dedication ceremony. Having our community of friends come together and celebrate her and also promise to care for her and help us raise her in a way that is pleasing to the Lord. We are so very blessed.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

A Mom.

 I've started and restarted and erased and just struggled to write a post. How can I even begin to describe how amazing and life changing becoming a mom has been. Even now, almost three months later, I look at my little girl and wonder, "How is it that I am so blessed?". My life is not my own anymore, I am constantly caring for someone else and it is the best thing I have ever experienced. Yes, there are moments when it is tough but, even then I look into her eyes as she gazes up at me and I am overcome by an intense fierce love I have never known before. She is mine. So here I sit in my living room with my wee girl sleeping in her Moses basket as her favorite song plays on repeat as it helps her fall asleep. Being a mommy has been amazing.

And because words are hard for me to write...and to be honest my baby has woken up and needs me. I will leave you with some favorite pictures.