Wednesday, March 13, 2013


I could write a lot right now but, I wont. I will save that for another time, when I have more time. You see my little baby has arrived and she will be needing me quite soon for a feeding. So until I have more time I will leave you with an introduction. 

Meet our wee little lady.

Isla Elizabeth Helene.
Island of God's Oath and bright shining light

Born on March 8 at 5:53.
Weight: 7lbs 6oz
Height: 19 and a quarter inches long

We are in love.

Saturday, March 2, 2013


The house is still and silent. My cat softly sighs as she sleeps and my husband is napping in our room. I woke up but a half hour ago from a nap myself. It is just one of those afternoons.

The day has turned. This morning was dark with heavy rain clouds threatening to rain on our day then breaking and pouring out heavy rain drops. Rain bounced off of the wood on our back porch, trying to get into our little blue house. Now the sky has changed, the rain has stopped and soft white clouds dance in the blue sky. The wood of my fence still soaked from the events of earlier today, what a contrast to the sky. Rain begs you to slow down, stay inside, turn up the heat and cuddle. We were so busy though.

Ben had arranged a bottle drive today so that some of our local teens can go to camp, it is something that takes up your whole morning and afterwards he is spent. I had some errands to run myself as I continue to prepare for the arrival of my wee child. I gave myself some time to bathe but was busy otherwise.

Now that the sun is out our house is silent. I am wishing for the opposite. I may have to go for walk and pick up some groceries for dinner, I need to do something and enjoy this light.

Celebrating the Belly.

Time has really started to fly by and impending birth of this wee child is becoming more and more real. I occasionally wake up and am surprised by this huge bump taking over my body, as if it weren't there the day before. I am so obviously pregnant that people ask me when the baby is coming and look at me sympathetically, soon enough, this last part is tough. I smile because, although I am extremely uncomfortable and feeling HUGE, my baby will be here soon! I have heard that the end needs to be uncomfortable otherwise there would be no urgency in getting the baby out. In the end we are willing to go through the pain of labour in order to feel comfortable again, the short term pain for the long term gain. I am there.

My body is ripe with child and my skin rolls as the child finds comfort inside me. My body has done well taking care of this growing babe, swelling to make space. As much as I am trying to enjoy every moment I have left with the wee one inside me I so look forward to holding it in my arms as opposed to my belly. I am sure I will miss the kicks and hiccups but, at the moment the discomfort makes me crave cradling my wee one as it's body contours to mine finding comfort against me.

The one thing I have enjoyed so much about being pregnant, besides the wee kicks and the fact that there is a little human being growing inside me, is dressing the bump. I love the fact that women are now celebrating the bump, wearing fitted clothes that show off the fact that they are carrying a child. We should celebrate our bodies as they preform this amazing, almost miraculous,  task of growing and nurturing a wee human being. Not only are we wearing things that celebrate the bump but there is maternity photography, belly painting, belly casting, and so many other things out there that encourage us to embrace this fantastic moment in our lives. How marvelous to be part of this era where we can still wear skinny jeans and cute tops and aren't forced into wearing muumuu dresses and baggy shirts. I love that my child will be look back at photos and see a growing bump that know that it was them.

So, even though I am uncomfortable, even though I am stretched to my max, and even though I would love to hold my wee child in my arms today, I am going to celebrate these last few moments of pregnancy. You only get to experience it a few times in a lifetime, if that.