Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wordless Wednesday.

Monday, September 9, 2013

6 Months.

Yesterday Isla turned six months old.

She thinks it is pretty funny. We think it has come way to quickly.She brings us so much joy and is so full of joy. We are happy, even on the days where she is teething and we are all a little tired.

I look through photos and see how much she has grown already and it is unbelievable, when you are there with her everyday there are times where you see great progress and growth and learning;other times you look back and you see something that happen so slowly that she has accomplished, but you didn't even really realize it was happening. Life is an amazing thing and watching a life you created grow is so remarkable, God truly is amazing. 
We look forward to seeing her grow and watching the little person she becomes.

Who is Isla, well here is a brief description of some of who she is and what she likes at 6 Months: She loves Rocco the cat, or any cat really. She loves playing "Where is Isla?" A.K.A Peek-a-boo. She knows when a camera is pointed at her and puts on a sweet little smile or act just for it. It is sweet. She is so sweet. She loves her soother but, if need be will use her thumb. She would be completely naked all the time if she could be. She is not to fond of tummy time, but is finding it a little more tolerable as of late. She likes pulling mom's hair, clothes, especially when nursing. She prefers sleeping on her right side, and if you don't put something in her hands when you are putting her to bed she is very likely to pull out her soother and then cry when she can't find it. She laughs easily, which makes many people VERY happy. She talks a LOT. If she wants your attention she will squawk until she gets it, she is very social. If she is feeling shy she will nuzzle into mommy's chest, which mommy things is the cutest. Above all she is loved so very completely. She is loved by an amazing father who just can't get enough of her. She is loved by a heavenly father who made her perfectly her.