Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Oh how I love it when the air changes and you know that summer is here...or at least arriving soon! I love being able to walk through the community forest and see all the Black-Eyed Susan's in full bloom glowing in the heat of the sun. I always look forward to the weekends away where me and my darling husband can cuddle and relax as if we have no care in the world. I love the weekends at the cabin where we go to the farmers market to buy our food, although if we had one here we would all the time, and spend our nights watching fireworks displays put on by neighbours and occasionally ourselves. Oh how I enjoy the walks in the evening where the sun is shining down on us as we march through the long grass and occasionally dance down the paths right near our house.

(taken by my husband at the farmers market's corn maze)

Summer brings me a new life every year where I feel as if I have a whole world of possibilities to breath in! So much many things that I have to look forward that lie ahead of me and all I have to do is live that moment and enjoy it for what it is and smile as moments pass and I am left with what I was looking for. Sometimes the most unexpected things are the things you never knew you were looking for until they are right in front of you and it hits you, "this is what I wanted!"

So I leave you with this summer blessing:
Enjoy each moment for that it is and breath it in and live it up!


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