My Dear Child,
Oh how time flies. Here we are five weeks away from your due date. I am excitedly awaiting your arrival. I am so looking forward to meeting you and holding you and watching your dad cradle you in his strong arms. I just can't wait yet, at the same time, I wish time would slow down. I feel like I have oh so much to do before you are here. I remember thinking at the beginning how far away March 10th was, and here we are with just over a month to go and I feel like I have NOTHING done. Your room is filled with boxes and bins that have to be moved to your dad's new office, your crib has to be sanded and painted, we have yet to attend one birthing class, and there are so many items we just don't have yet. I keep trying to remind myself that all that really matters is that we love you and that you don't really care about all the things as long as you are feed and taken care of, which we can do. Daddy is going overnight tomorrow to do some stuff for practicum and then, when he gets back, he is going to move into his office and we will start on the nursery. I've been working on getting some stuff I need to pack in the hospital bag. Hopefully by next Sunday we will have the hospital bags ready and your room more or less set up. Then, I think I will be able to breath.
Mommy Loves you.
You're looking beautiful Laney! So excited for you guys!
- Ashley
You are looking lovely! And it's in your pregnant nature to worry about things not being ready, so don't beat yourself up over not having things "done". I actually liked having stuff to do until the end, it made it seem like less waiting because pressure was on for me to get things finished before baby came. I'll admit that my hospital bag wasn't fully packed until the day before I was induced :-0
Enjoy each moment, this is a precious time! Baby will be here soon :D
I am Alison by the way! I have no idea why it says imaginary number? Maybe I started a blog once that I forgot about lol.
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