Thursday, January 9, 2014

2013: The Year of Isla.

When I was pregnant with Isla I had all these dreams and idea's of what I would do during my year of maternity leave. I thought I'd be so on top of everything! I was planning to do at least a monthly, if not weekly, blog post. That my humble blog would somehow become a sensation and it would take off. I was planning to become organized, a top notch home-maker, you know one of those pinterest perfect mothers. I know, it is silly. I was pregnant though and I was FULL of all kinds of anticipation.

Then came Isla...

(one week old...or so)

(One Month)

(Two Months)

(Three Months)
(Also, Three Months)
and time flew by and I had little time for things so much less important. You see, my daughter is growing so very fast and I don't want to miss anything. Time with her is invaluable.
(Four Months)
(Five Months)
(Six Months)
(Seven Months)
This year, I will try to do better but, I can't make any promises. I am planning on posting at least one portrait of Isla a week, besides that we will see what I have to time do. My wee girl is growing...and time is flying by.
(Eight Months)
(Nine Months)

We can call 2013 the Year of Isla because, in so many ways it was. We are so enjoying watching our girl grow and soaking up each moment we can while she is still so little. May you be blessed this year! I have a feeling 2014 is going to be full of fun too!

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