Saturday, July 17, 2010


Yes, I haven't posted for over a week, and last week I missed writing my letter and for that I apologize, please forgive me. I have been busy but, before I get into details I will let you know why I am enjoying the busy-ness.

I am enjoying the busy-ness because for once in my life I am in LOVE with my job! I am nannying the sweetest children. The youngest two have this spirit about them where you can genuinely see this love, I have yet to see them fight and I have been doing this for three weeks. The oldest is also very sweet, kind, and caring she is nine years old, and she has a lot of pizazz! She is dramatic and exuberant and well sometimes it can be a little difficult, most of the time she just goes with the flow and loves life.

I am enjoying because we may have found a place! We are moving to the coast in late August for my darling husband to finish school, and well having possibly lined up a place is a pretty amazing thought!

I am enjoying because even though it is time consuming and rather tedious I am making tutu's as the costume for my girls for camp! I have made eight and have two more to go until I am done! They are awesome! Rocco LOVES them.

I am enjoying because well, I have no reason not to enjoy! I may be busy but, busy is fun! I have gone for more walks this week than I have gone in the last month. I am enjoying because I am leaving this Wednesday we are taking 68 kids to camp and I have ten of them in my cabin! I have the opportunity to spend a week with these girls and give them an experience of a life time.

I am just enjoying.

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