Sunday, January 2, 2011

I Am.

Today is my birthday, January first that is, and when I sat down and started writing I wanted to write something winning, witty, something smart, something that showed wisdom. I tried three or four times but everything that came out sounded wrong. So here I sit trying to type out something that resembles at least on of the above.

This past year I have been through a lot. I've been through losing a job, starting a new job, moving (1000 km away), starting yet another job and becoming the breadwinner. All that typed out does not give it justice at all. Believe me is sounds a lot nicer on here than it was in real life. 

In all these life changes I've learned a lot about myself.

I am brave, strong, and courageous. I am resilient. 

I am authentic. I am loyal. I am creative.

I am passionate, yet sometimes quite stoic.

I am able to continue learning and growing and picking up new hobbies.

I am worthy. 

And probably one of the things that I am still learning but I have found very important these past few months. I am capable and I wont let people tell me otherwise. I wont let my age, my amount of education, or even myself hold me back from what I can do or will do. I wont be defined by those things. I am so much more than numbers, I am so much more than words, and I am worth it. I wont let what I am define who I am.

At bottom every man knows well enough that he is a unique being, only once on this earth; and by no extraordinary chance will such a marvelously picturesque piece of diversity in unity as he is, ever be put together a second time.  ~Friedrich Nietzsche

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